
Warmly welcome to CCSN – The Consultation Centre for Societal Nurturing!

Soma kwa Kiswahili


We aim to contribute to the improvement of youth employment and self-employment (labor/job market integration), and help young people to unfold their potentials. This has the effect that young people are empowered economically and are able to make their living independently.

We implement our aim by providing:

  • Counseling in matters of integration into the Job market, business start-up and improvement, and pursuing further education
  • Guidance in finding and developing their career potentials, in steps towards implementing their business ideas
  • Connecting young people to opportunities and places with further support
  • Working together with different stakeholders, especially NGOs, in supporting young people to pursue their goals

We will be very glad to get into contact with you and interact with you through the services we provide

Feel free to contact us through our e-mail address info@societalnurturing.com or through our contact form here.