Hi there!
We are collecting donations for our initiative of seven non-profit organisations in Tanzanian (https://societalnurturing.com/current-projects/). With this initiative, we want to help 20 young Tanzanians into the labour market or training through voluntary service in
2025. Our programme is aimed at economically underprivileged, unemployed young people who are to be given vocational guidance in the occupational field of their choice and, with parallel career counselling and targeted networking, are to be enabled to find work or training afterwards. This opportunity does not exist in Tanzania (for Tanzanians). There is interest in this programme on the part of the young people, but it fails due to a lack of financial resources. The picture above shows a young man who was helped into the labour market thanks to our support.
With this donation, 60% of it will be used directly for the young Tanzanians as pocket money (e.g. for food, accommodation for Tanzanians from distant regions and travel costs), 40% of the donation will be used for the organisation of the voluntary service (eg. seminar costs, educational support and material costs). A fair application and selection process is used to choose the beneficiaries. Donors are welcome to receive regular updates on the progress of the project or to make an on-site visit. We will be happy to answer any queries.
We shared this link on gofundme-page as well (though in German language):
Thank you in advance for your willingness and support and sharing this information with other potential supporters