Occupations in Tanzania

Young people can unfold their potential in a lot of different fields, occupation or professionals. The table below provides a list of over 400 occupations according to the Tanzanian Classification of Occupation (TASCO). Through the search box below, you can enter the name of the occupation you are looking for and find related fields easily. This overview serves a first step for young people to get an overview of the existing careers in order to choose the ones of interest. As a person who plans to pursue a career, or as a guardian or teacher such a person, you can contact us if you need more guidance and information in matters of choosing the right career, and information about different requirements, contents and opportunities of studies leading to the desired occupations. We encourage you search for respective job vacancies through different search engines and other agencies in your area. If you need more support, feel free to contact us.

Please note that the swahili translation of the occupations below is an attempt with which we do not claim absolute correctness. In this, we welcome your constructive critisism. The categorization of the sector is derived from the National Bureau of Statistics.

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